If you have always dreamt of studying in UK on scholarship then here are top 5 fully funded UK scholarships for you. These  prestigous scholarships for international students who possess excellent intellectual abilities and desire to create a positive impact on the lives of others. These program are offered at some of the top universities in the UK which are designed to promote an engaged community of future global leaders who are capable of bringing about a positive change in the world. The Degree programs are offered for Masters, M.Phil and PhD programs ranging from 1-3 years. You will get a chance to study the theoretical part as well as implement that knowledge through practical work and research related activities.

These International scholarships are awarded in a variety of areas, including crisis management, health systems, research and technology to advance global prosperity, and access to prospective prospects. The goal of these comprehensive themes is to inspire people to take part in a better future. Fellows will help each other in academic related activities by working together on their projects and by sharing their personal experiences. By working in groups, students will also learn how to work in teams and how dream work is achieved by teamwork. This will allow students to value each other’s opinions and view.

The best uk scholarships offer a whole lot of benefits including tuition fees waiver, air tickets, healthcare facility, settling allowance, study and research related funds, monthly stipends to cover the cost of living, emergency fund, family allowances, study travel grants and much more. Students will get a chance to explore famous museums, monuments, cultural heritage sites, waterfalls, theme parks and other recreational activities. Students will cherish these entertainment and learning experiences for the rest of their lives. International exposure adds value to your academic credentials and plays a significant part in personality development also.

Universities of UK like University of Oxford and University of Cambridge are considered as top-notch and prestigious institutions in the world where every student aspires to study. But not every student gets a chance to fulfill their wish due to financial constraints. These scholarship opportunities can be a ray of hope for you. You will get a chance to participate in seminars, conferences and summits where you will learn from experts and researchers. After completing your studies, you can have a chance of either pursuing your higher studies or securing a job in Europe. Look into these opportunities and apply now.

 Top 5 Fully Funded UK Scholarships for International Students:

1) Commonwealth Masters Scholarships in the UK | Fully Funded

  • Type: Fully Funded.
  • Host Country: UK.
  • Host Universities: UK Universities.
  • Scholarship Coverage: Tuition fees, air travel, monthly stipend, thesis cost, study travel grants, family allowance, additional allowance for disabled person.
  • Program Level: Master’s degree program.
  • Deadline: 15th October, 2024.
  • For more info visit Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship 2025

2) Chevening Scholarship in the UK | Fully Funded

  • Type: Fully Funded.
  • Host Country: UK
  • Host Universities: Best UK Universities.
  • Host Organization: Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
  • Scholarship Coverage: Tuition fees, visa fee, living allowance, air fare, additional grants, cash cards on arrival day.
  • Program Level: Master’s degree program (Masters/ M.Phil).
  • Program Duration: 1 year.
  • Deadline: 5th November, 2024.
  • For more details visit Chevening Scholarship 2025

3) Commonwealth PhD Scholarships in the UK | Fully Funded

  • Type: Fully Funded.
  • Host Country: UK.
  • Host University: UK Universities.
  • Scholarship Coverage: Complete financial support, air fare, tuition fees, stipend, study travel grant, family allowances.
  • Program Level: PhD.
  • Program Duration: 3 years.
  • Deadline: 5th October, 2024.
  • For details visit Commonwealth PhD Scholarship

4) Gate Cambridge Scholarship in the UK | Fully Funded

  • Type: Fully Funded.
  • Host Country: UK.
  • Host University: University of Cambridge.
  • Scholarship Coverage: Study cost, maintenance allowance, visa cost, air fare, funds for conferences, IHS, family allowance, emergency fund, maternity/paternity fund, fieldwork allowance.
  • Program Level: PhD, MSc/ MLitt.
  • Deadline: 3rd December, 2024 or 7th January, 2025 for international students and October 16 2024 for US students
  • For more info visit Cambridge University Scholarship

5) Rhodes Scholarship in the UK| | Fully Funded

  • Type: Fully Funded.
  • Host Country: UK.
  • Host University: University of Oxford.
  • Scholarship Coverage: Application fee, Tuition fees, stipend per month, settling allowance, air fare, visa fees, International Health Surcharge (HIS).
  • Program Level: Post Graduate courses (Masters, M.Phil and PhD).
  • Deadline: Deadline varies from one country to another.
  • For more details visit Rhodes Scholarship 2025

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