Applications for Charles Darwin University RTP Scholarship in Australia for 2025 are now being accepted. The recipients of these fully funded scholarships must enroll in Higher Degree by Research program at Charles Darwin University between January 6, 2025, and March 31, 2025. The Research Training Program (RTP) offers block grants to higher education providers (HEPs) to support local and international students to pursue research doctorates and research masters degrees, which are also known as higher degrees by research (HDRs). Both degrees have funding available for them.

The objectives of the RTP are to provide flexible funding arrangements to support training of  students undertaking HDRs at Australian HEPs. The purpose of this international scholarship for Masters and PhD students is to teach skills which are necessary to develop a career in academic and various other sectors of the labour markets. It also supports collaboration between HEPs and industry and other research stakeholders. The skills learned will be helpful for students which will make them empowered and capable of doing great things in their careers.

Through its fully funded scholarship in Australia for international students, CDU is dedicated to giving students great research opportunity. The university, corporations, government, and community organizations give scholarships to help students with the cost of their education. In addition to covering research expenses not directly covered by Australian competitive grants and other sources, the Research Support Program (RSP) funds HEPs for systemic research costs like libraries, labs, consumables, computing centers, and the salaries of support and technical staff. The sponsorship will help you to focus on your research and study rather than worrying about the research expenses.

In CDU scholarship for international and local students, you can study a wide range of disciplines as part of your research degree which include health, Environment and livelihood, Engineering and Information Technology, Education and Arts, Social and Public Policy, Business and Law, Disaster Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and languages, Tropical Agriculture, Aquaculture and Biosecurity. While submitting your application, you have to choose a research project and a potential research supervisor from Charles Darwin University who will assist you throughout your research project. This is an incredible fully funded research scholarship which has so many benefits that will almost end your financial burden of studying in a foreign university.

Charles Darwin University RTP Scholarship 2024-25:

Host Country:

  • Australia

Funded by:

  • Australian Government

Host University:

  • Charles Darwin University

Scholarship level:

  • Masters and Doctorate degrees

Benefits of Charles Darwin University RTP Scholarship in Australia:

  • The Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarships are given to outstanding research students for pursuing an HDR at an Australian institution.
  • The scholarships are offered to help students cover their general living expenses.
  • Full time students will be paid AU$32,192 (2024 rate) per annum tax-free.
  • Part-time students will be paid AU$16,096 (2024 rate) per annum, taxable.
  • Paid sick leave can be taken.
  • Maternity leave will be given.
  • Relocation allowance for RTP stipend recipients is up to $2,000 for domestic students and $2,500 for international students.

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Eligibility Criteria for Charles Darwin University RTP Scholarship 2024-25 in Australia:

  • Applicants must be eligible to enroll in a full-time Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program at Charles Darwin University.
  • Applicants must meet the academic entry requirements for a Master’s degree by research or a Doctorate by research at Charles Darwin University.
  • For a Doctorate scholarship, applicants must have completed both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree.
  • For a Master’s scholarship, applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree.
  • International applicants must provide evidence of meeting the minimum English language proficiency requirements of Charles Darwin University. Please visit the University Entry Requirements page for more details.
  • Applicants must not be receiving any other financial support that exceeds 75% of the RTP stipend rate
  • Applicants must demonstrate exceptional research potential suitable for an HDR program..

How to apply for Scholarships in Australia:

  • Answer all relevant questions in the form.
  • Select the application option carefully (Candidature only; Candidature & Scholarship; or Scholarship only (for those candidates who are currently enrolled in Charles Darwin University or they have already received an offer letter from the university).
  • You should select “Candidature only” if you are applying for a PhD program by Prior Publication.
  • You can save your details and complete the form later too.
  • When you will select the option ‘save and continue later’, you will get a link in your email which can be clicked to resume the form.
  • Make sure that the application is complete by reviewing the checklist given at the end of the form.
  • Attach all supporting documents to the application.
  • After submitting the form, the application form will be automatically sent to
  • and to you as well on your email address.

Documents Required for Charles Darwin University RTP Scholarship:

  • A copy of your current passport, birth certificate or your residency visa is required for proof of citizenship.
  • Photocopy of official academic transcripts and certificates.
  • for all previous tertiary study. Evidence of supervision which includes email conversation with your potential supervisor.
  • A research outline of 1500-1700 words on the research project you have proposed. It should include title of the project, general research field, brief description, ethical rules and other relevant concerns related to the research.
  • HDR referee report form filled by two referees to testify your academic record.
  • Copy of current CV.
  • Supporting documents which include publications or portfolios.

Charles Darwin University Scholarships Deadline:

  • The last date to apply for domestic applicants is 31 October 2024 and for international applicants is 30 September 2024.

Apply Now Official Link

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