Applications for the 8th Arab-European Youth Forum 2024 are now open which is a fully funded youth forum in Egypt. The Council of Europe has encouraged communication between youth organizations and organizations involved in youth policy since the beginning. The development of non-formal education, intercultural communication, and capacity-building for human rights education have received great support in recent years.

This international youth forum will provide an exclusive environment and opportunity for discussion and exchange in a social and political context involving multiple crises that significantly impact youth. Other issues that will be discussed include threats and potential of artificial intelligence, ongoing serious human rights violations, armed conflicts, environmental degradation, and climate crisis. Young people will also discuss the impact of history and ancient civilizations on modern concepts of peaceful cooperation and cultural diversity.

Luxor, an ancient Egyptian city rich in historical legacy is an ideal location for this fully funded youth summit for young people to interact, learn, and reevaluate their roles as change agents, innovators, and facilitators of discussion. This global youth program will promote mutual understanding and bilateral cooperation between youth from Arab and European countries, enabling them to accomplish their common goals of a more sustainable and better future. Arab-European Youth Forum in Egypt will provide a forum for the development of collaborative initiatives between youth from Arab and European countries in a variety of disciplines, including technology, entrepreneurship, and education which will promote cross-cultural dialogue.

At the end of this international youth conference, a document on cooperation and dialogue between Arab and European youth will be released. It will include guidelines and inspiration for Arab and European youth on common human values and rights, such as constructing a more prosperous future for youth, pursuing world peace, promoting climate justice and environmental protection, and ensuring that artificial intelligence and other digital systems comply with human rights values. The program is fully funded so there is no application fee, accommodation will be given, and air tickets and visa costs will be reimbursed. Apply now to have a wonderful foreign experience.

8th Arab-European Youth Forum 2024 in Egypt:

Host Country:

  • Egypt

Host organization:

  • The Council of Europe

Youth Forum Location:

  • Luxor, Egypt

Program Dates:

  • 14-19 October

Benefits of the 8th Arab-European Youth Forum 2024 in Egypt:

  • There is no registration or application fees.
  • Full board accommodation will be provided.
  • Air ticket costs will be reimbursed.
  • Visa costs will be reimbursed.
  • Opportunity to meet like-minded people from different countries of the world.
  • Chance to explore a historical country like Egypt.

Check Fully Funded Cultural Exchange Program in Morocco 

Eligibility Criteria for the 8th Arab-European Youth Forum in Egypt:

Applicants applying must:

  • Be living in a member state of the Council of Europe.
  • Be between the age of 18-30 years old.
  • Have a good command of English.
  • Involved in a project or organization that is working on Euro-Arab youth cooperation, intercultural dialogue or literacy on Artificial Intelligence.
  • Actively participate in the forum and contribute to it.
  • Be available to attend the forum in Egypt from 14-29th

How to apply for Arab-European Youth Forum 2024:

  • Click on the Apply Now button below to process the online registration. 
  • Enter username and password.
  • Log in with the registered account.
  • Fill in the online application form.
  • Enter all the required information.
  • Upload all the necessary documents.
  • Review and submit the form.

Documents Required for Fully Funded Youth Forum 2024:

  • CV with work experience.
  • Valid passport.
  • Awards or certifications.
  • Any other supporting documents needed to travel to Egypt.

Arab-European Youth Forum Deadline:

  • The last date to apply is 24th July 2024.

Apply Now Official Link

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